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Handyman Ace Hardware employees and customers make all the difference in Dayton

While 2020 certainly brought its share of disappointments, Dayton Children’s is fortunate to say that the amount of support from the associates and customers at Handyman Ace Hardware is not one of them.

Employees collected donations at the registers all year-

During a global pandemic

While maintaining added pressures with sanitizing, mask wearing and social distancing

With a slew of uncertainties looming.

This didn’t happened without the continued support and dedication from Handyman Ace associates. They ask customers to round-up their change or make donations at the registers.  We appreciate that Handyman Ace understands that while these are strange times, the kids can’t wait and need us more than ever.

David Grimes, Owner of the nine Handyman Ace Hardware stores, presents a check for 2020 fundraising.

Handyman Ace Hardware has been supporting Dayton Children’s since 1994 and has raised more than $466,000 total.

So, in the week about LOVE, we are extending a little extra to our friends at Handyman Ace Hardware.