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Facing the Future with a Noble Heart

Countdown to Flyerthon, University of Dayton’s Dance Marathon. 10 days and counting to reach the goal of $50,000 to help kids just like Kent who was diagnosed with Treacher Collins syndrome. 

Treacher Collins syndrome is a relatively rare craniofacial condition that affects the formation of the face including the jaw, eyes, cheekbones and ears.  An estimated 1 in 50,000 people will deal with its effects. At just 2 weeks old, Kent had his first surgery, a tracheostomy, which surgically created a hole for an air passage that would help him breathe.

After various failed procedures, Annie, Kent’s mom, searched for a solution. Through her connections in the Treacher Collins network – a support system for families of patients with the disease, Annie learned about Christopher Gordon, MD. The family was living in Texas and brought Kent all the way to Dayton Children’s for the 2017 surgery, specifically for Dr. Gordon’s specialized approach to properly shape both his upper and lower jaw.  An added benefit to this approach – patients also get their airway corrected. While Kent focuses on his healing, Dr. Gordon is helping Annie determine the next steps in Kent’s treatment.

He will need an ear reconstruction, a new cheekbone and a jaw surgery again before he’s done growing. Dr. Gordon also recommends eyelid reconstruction. These procedures should be done by the time Kent is 18 and his physical appearance will be set for the rest of his life.

Dance Marathon raises funds and awareness to allow Kent to have the best life possible. Dayton Children’s Hospital could not provide world-renowned care without donors and dancers within the Dance Marathon Network. Thank you. Click here to help University of Dayton reach their goal of $50,000!