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Play Games. Heal Kids. with Extra-Lifer Lindsey Washburn

Dayton-native, Lindsey Washburn is participating in Extra Life for her 6th year in 2018. Thank you for all that you do for Dayton Children’s Hospital, Lindsey.

Why do you Extra Life?

I think it’s great to give back and be a part of something bigger than yourself. When I heard about my pals at KBMOD Gaming Community doing marathon live streams on for Extra Life, I felt compelled to join them. I love entertaining and putting on a good show, and their passion for Extra Life was admirable and I’ve been helping with their charity stream for 3 years now.

What is your game of choice for the marathon and/or throughout the year?

We played a variety of games this past year for our marathon stream. But through out the year I enjoy ARK: Survival Evolved, H1Z1 Battle Royales and World of Warcraft!

Something we may not know about you:

I’m a streamer/producer/editor here in Los Angeles, but I chose Dayton Children’s Hospital because I was born and raised (mostly) in the Dayton area!

To learn more about Extra Life, visit