Walmart and Sam’s Club: Campaign Wrap-Up, Round-Up Extension and Back to School Donations, oh my!
What happens when a long-standing, hard-working and always-appreciated CMN Hospitals partner has a ground-breaking four-week campaign? They extend it to continue supporting Dayton Children’s, of course!
The last four days of Walmart and Sam’s Club’s Round-Up campaign are upon us, but they’ve already finished their four-week campaign, raising an astounding $187,775!! That is a 41% increase from 2019!
Associates continued asking customers to donate to the hospital by “Rounding Up” their change at check-out for an additional two weeks. Customers in the Dayton region are displaying an incredible amount of support!
That’s not all though, on top of these efforts, our friends at Walmart and Sam’s Club stopped by the hospital today to donate back to school supplies for our patients.

Dayton Children’s and CMN Hospitals has called Walmart and Sam’s Club our partner since 1987. They have raised more than $1 BILLION for children treated at CMN Hospitals through the US and Canada. There’s not a word to accurately describe our level of gratitude, but to the associates who made the asks and the customers who reached into their pockets during the campaign, we say, “Thank You.”