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CMN Hospital’s Partners and Programs Bring Joy in 2020

A Year Like No Other

It would have been easy to take 2020 off of CMN fundraising. Our partners could have decided it was too much to hold campaigns, programs and events with a global pandemic going on. They could have decided to hold off and see what the next year brings…

Instead, we are thrilled to say that every single partner held a campaign or fundraised in some capacity. Our programs also stepped up in a new, virtual world to bring in donations, all because…

The kids can’t wait.

Despite the fact that the world stopped this year, we never did. Children still need treatments and care. We have been here the entire year, thanks largely to the support of our Children’s Miracle Network Hospital’s Partners and Programs.

You all brought us joy in a year where it has been harder than usual to find some.

Thank you for understanding the importance of what you do for our kids.

We will get our final numbers in January, but no matter the total raised, the fact that you all continued to fundraise, some partners even experiencing record-breaking years, we just can’t say thank you enough.

There’s no better miracle child to help us express our gratitude than Joy herself! Pictured here at this year’s Radiothon, which raised over $260,000 with four teams working in different locations. Using virtual meeting resources like Microsoft Teams, Zoom and FaceTime, this is an example of a program that had to make a huge adjustment, while still having tremendous success!

Joy and her parents, Jessica and Paul joined us for a different looking Radiothon this past November. Still bringing all the smiles and fun to their interview- Joy showed up dressed as Santa!

Word of the Year: “Pivot”

Some other examples of 2020 pivots include Costco’s campaign being pushed back from May to September, no Miracle Treat Day for DQ, rather a focus on different pushes throughout the year, no in-person events or conventions leading up to our gaming marathon day for Extra Life and no in-person events for either of our Dance Marathon programs.

All that to say, Dayton CMN partners figured out a way in 2020. For that, we are joyful!

Happy, Healthy Holidays.